Xu Cui
564 Stories by Xu Cui
我在读博期间做的研究是”人对时间的感知“,有些有意思的现象,权当饭后谈资吧。下面的研究是我的联合导师David Eagleman和他的学生做的。 —- 2006年一个普通日子的下午,王敏来
Just published a paper with Manpreet Singh. Link to the paper
The default format of output in MatLab is like below: v = 1.0e+003 * 9.0579 1.2699 9.1338 6.3236 0.9754 What if you want the format to be v = 9057.9 1269.9 9133.8 6323.6 975.4 The answer is simple. Run the following command in MatLab: format shortg
问:你这么年轻,为什么不找份工作,靠自己能力去吃饭,干嘛在这里乞讨? 乞者答:我跪在这里,是让自己的虚荣一败涂地。是让自己的面子,无地自容。是让自己的虚假,彻底崩溃。我不是因为吃饭而做乞丐,也不是因为
Very funny. Look at the rooster 🙂
The statistics toolbox in MatLab provides an easy way to do 1-way and 2-way anova. Below are some examples. The functions are called anova1 and anovan. 1 way anova is to test if the mean in each group is same; and 2-way anova is to test (1) if the me
One particular nice thing about SVR is that the weight of each feature reflects the feature’s true contribution. If some features are highly correlated (this is common in neuroimaging data – e.g. adjacent voxel activity are very similar),
PaperBox是一款优秀的云端文献管理软件,许多顶尖名校(斯坦福大学,哈佛,北大清华等)的学生和教授(包括美国科学院院士)都在使用。和传统的文 献管理软件(比如endnote等)不同,您可以为她安装