Xu Cui



562 Stories by Xu Cui

Learning Employee Directory 3. UI

Return to table of contents When I downloaded and launched ED, I was impressed by its elegant user interface. So how is implemented? The relevant files are: And the hierarchy of UI is shown below. I expand each custom component (except EmployeeView a
0 2 min read

Learning Employee Directory 2. Structure

Return to table of contents While most other Adobe AIR sample applications have only a single mxml file, ED has many folders and files. Here is the structure of the source code: We can see that the codes are grouped in different folders. The hierarch
0 3 min read

Learning Employee Directory 1. Introduction

Return to table of contents When I ran Employee Directory (ED) for the first time I was instantly impressed by its elegance. But when I started to read the code I found myself totally lost. While most other sample or tutorial applications provided by
0 54 sec read

Learning Employee Directory: useful links

Return to table of contents Here are some links about Employee Directory (ED). author’s (Daniel Wabyick) blog http://www.wabysabi.com/blog/ Adobe AIR sample webpage (download ED and its source here) http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/flex/samples.
1 8 sec read