Xu Cui
564 Stories by Xu Cui
Brain Dynamics Lab (bdl.stanford.edu) is a computational neuropsychiatry lab dedicated to developing computational methods for a better understanding of individual differences in brain functioning in healthy and patient populations. Current projects
PubMed是生物和医学领域必不可少的搜索引擎,每天百万名医生、教授、学生及其他科研人员等都会通过PubMed搜索自己感兴趣的科学文献、病例、综述、最新进展等。 可惜,PubMed是全英文的!!! 为
In this class project, I generated my own Simpsons TV scripts using RNNs trained by the Simpsons dataset of scripts from 27 seasons. The Neural Network generated a new TV script for a scene at Moe’s Tavern. This is the script generated by the n
The speed difference of CPU and GPU can be significant in deep learning. But how much? Let’s do a test. The computer: The computer I use is a Amazon AWS instance g2.2xlarge (https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/). The cost is $0.65/hour, o
Some labs have been using our script readHitachiData.m to load NIRS data from Hitachi ETG machines. We recently found that some output MES data contains abnormal timestamp. For example, the timestamp should be like 16:49:25.406 But for some rows (alt
In this class project, I built a network to classify images in the CIFAR-10 dataset. This dataset is freely available. The dataset contains 60K color images (32×32 pixel) in 10 classes, with 6K images per class. Here are the classes in the datas
I am taking Udacity’s deep learning class at https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning-nanodegree-foundation–nd101 I have done the first project, creating a neural network with 1 hidden layer (so not deep enough :)) to predict bike demands for a b
When we set up our NIRS lab back in 2008, we needed a device to prevent participants’ head movement during the experiment and during the digitizer measurement. Even though NIRS is tolerant to head motion, we still want to minimize it. During th
We use MatLab a lot! It’s the major program for brain imaging data analysis in our lab. However, I never thought we could actually contribute to MatLab’s development. In MatLab 2016, there is a toolbox called Wavelet Toolbox. If you read