Xu Cui



564 Stories by Xu Cui

Can we control a robot by thought?

Honda has developed new brain-machine interface (BMI) technology that allows humans to control the Asimo humanoid robot simply by thinking certain thoughts. The technology is based on combined EEG and NIRS. The system reportedly has an accuracy rate
0 12 sec read

How much money did I make from an app?

Undoubtedly some people are very successful in making money by developing a smartphone app. Back in 2012 I developed an app called “Handbook of Brain” which is a collected resources of brain anatomy, function and diseases. I put the app i
1 27 sec read

Raspberry Pi for research labs (3) battery pack

Raspberry Pi for research labs (2) Raspberry Pi for research labs (1) We used to power the Raspberry Pi using a USB cable connecting to a computer; to make the device more usable and portable, now we use a battery pack. It is about 20 dollars. With 4
0 14 sec read

Raspberry Pi for research labs (2) Connecting an accelerometer

Raspberry Pi for research labs (3) Raspberry Pi for research labs (1) We recently used a smartphone to measure participants’ head motion during an NIRS experiment and got decent results. Smartphone is easy to use, but its size is relatively bul
0 1 min read

Movie: blood flow increases in brain motor cortex during finger tapping

Ever wondered what happened to your brain when you tap your finger? See this movie: Link: http://youtu.be/KN3MPtXlOH8 In the above movie I used topo software (by Hitachi) to visualize the blood flow changes in the brain. The data was collected by Hit
0 22 sec read

Excel tip: how to unhide the first column

When you hide column A, you may have assumed it’s very easy to unhide it later. It’s not true. Here is how you unhide column A: 1. Type “A1” in the cell selector box, press Enter 2. click “Format” in the cells tool
0 11 sec read

An interesting gamble

The other day I was walking on a street, along which there are a lot of booths where people play games to gamble. I stopped in front of one booth. The host was warm and we started to talk. “How to play?”, I asked. “Well, simple.R
1 1 min read

How to label each point in MatLab plot?

How to label each data point in a MatLab plot, like the following figure? MatLab code: x = ; y = x + rand(1,10); figure('color','w'); plot(x,y,'o'); a = '; b = num2str(a); c = cellstr(b); dx = 0.1; dy = 0.1; text(x+dx, y+dy, c); It also w
2 18 sec read

SVM regression on time series, is there a lag?

It would be nice if we can predict the future. For example, give the following time series, can we predict the next point? Let’s use SVM regression, which is said to be powerful. We use the immediate past data point as the predictor. We train o
8 1 min read