Xu Cui
564 Stories by Xu Cui
The knowledge of brain-function mapping is accumulated … The Knowledge of brain-function mapping is accumulated … (get rid of the in front of knowledge) Don’t start a sentence with it, this. Instead, specify what it is. Don’t
being updated for v01_r14 … NIRS-SPM is a SPM5 and MATLAB-based software package for statistical analysis of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signals, developed at the Bio Imaging Signal Processing (BISP) lab. at KAIST in Korea. prepare files
lazy quantifier: Add a question mark (?) after any quantifier to change it to what is known as a lazy quantifier. For example, the following regular expression, which uses the lazy *? quantifier, matches <p> followed by the minimum number of ch
In my datagrid, even when I set the width of some columns explicitly, they always change in an unpredictable way when I (1) resize my window (2) minimize and maximize the window. I finally find the cause: it’s because I used “minWidthR
Assume you have a presentation and you want it to stay on the screen for 10 seconds, you may write code something like pause(10) or WaitSecs(10) It’s fine except you can do nothing within those 10s. What if you want to do something else during
Check out http://www.photofunia.com/. It’s fun.
Assume test1.jpg is the original file and test1_thumb.jpg is the thumbnail file to be created. The width or height of the thumbnail is of maximal size 100. private function loadBMP():void { loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on
convert between different image formats strip skull (FSL bet, or Bet for gui) bet brain.nii brain_noskull.nii register to a standard brain (FSL flirt, or Flirt for gui) Select avg152T1_brain.img as reference, use rigid body (6 parameters) A mat file
Let’s say you want to upload a file to your server with your AIR program (using File.upload). On the server side you have a php script to handle the file uploading. A very common mistake is that the name of the file field in your AIR (by defaul