
3 AI assistants side by side

We just developed an app that allows you to chat with ChatGPT, Claude, and Meta AI all at the same time! Imagine having three AI assistants by your side, ready to help you with anything you need. Compare their responses, learn from their differences,
Xu Cui
19 sec read


Xu Cui
3 sec read


心有灵犀之猜物件 两个人A和B宣称他们“心有灵犀”。为了证明这一点,B到另外一个房间,然后包括A在内的众人随机挑选一件周围的物品(比如一个杯子)。B回来后,A开始指着周围的一些物品问B。比如: A指碗
Xu Cui
7 sec read


Xu Cui
2 sec read

An interesting gamble

The other day I was walking on a street, along which there are a lot of booths where people play games to gamble. I stopped in front of one booth. The host was warm and we started to talk. “How to play?”, I asked. “Well, simple.R
Xu Cui
1 min read

VMWare Player: guest OS not full screen?

VMWare Player is a great free tool if you want to run multiple operating systems on one computer. For example, you may have a Mac but need to run a few programs on Windows. Instead of purchasing a new Windows computer, you can simply use VMWare Playe
Xu Cui
22 sec read


Xu Cui
4 sec read

Evolution of man

Xu Cui
2 sec read

Octopus Paul, hypothesis, p-Value and significance

Null hypothesis (H0): Octopus Paul doesn’t have the ability to predict. Or, the probability that he predicts correctly on each event is 1/2. Data: In 2010 World Cup, Octopus Paul correctly predicted the outcomes of 8 games out of 8 games. p-Val
Xu Cui
16 sec read