
Flash 3D video demo

Racer Ostrova Zombie
Xu Cui
0 sec read

GMail Advanced Search

As I have quite some emails (>13000) in gmail, searching more efficiently becomes a necessity. Fortunately gmail offers some advanced search syntax. http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7190 Search emails with attachment f
Xu Cui
19 sec read

Malicious website mimicing twitter

You may receive a direct message from one of your friends saying: Hi, xxx! A new twitter service! Try it, nice one! http://twltter.ru/ Don’t click the link! I clicked and it’s exactly identical to twitter’s own interface. I thought
Xu Cui
18 sec read

Mostly used password

The most common password is 123456, about 1% people are using it.
Xu Cui
4 sec read

Top 10 Social Networking Sites

In terms of number of visits, Facebook takes ~50% of the US market share.
Xu Cui
5 sec read

Use htaccess to protect your web folder

Use htpasswd to create password file, or add password htpasswd -c .htpasswd fred htpasswd .htpasswd linda Then create a .htaccess file with the following text (not the path to the password file has to be full path) AuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpassw
Xu Cui
18 sec read

Amf3Broker error and fix

I encounter this error in an AIR application which uses amfphp for remoting: The class {Amf3Broker} could not be found under the class path {/var/htdocs/amfphp/services/amfphp/Amf3Broker.php} I googled and found several links, but their suggestions d
Xu Cui
29 sec read

IE doesn’t connect but firefox can. How to fix?

Go to Control Panel, Internet Options, click on the Connections tab; click the LAN Settings button and check ‘Automatically detect settings’.
Xu Cui
4 sec read

phpBB 3 spam filter

Standard phpBB captcha is broken. I modify it such that the user need to add the numbers in captcha images and enter the result (e.g. 1+2+3=6), instead of enter the original characters (e.g. ‘123’). Enter folder /includes/ucp edit file uc
Xu Cui
28 sec read