We just published a big and long study. It is a NIRS hyperscanning study aiming to investigate the brain difference between men and women during cooperation. We have scanned 222 people! And it is one of the largest NIRS study I have seen. And it is a
In our lab meeting today we accidentally discovered that you can actually purchase a used ETG4000 on ebay! The seller asked for $9,995. When we purchased ETG4000 back in 2007, it costed us about half million! Check it out:
fNIRS 2016 conference will be held in Paris, October 13 – 16, Université Paris Descartes, 12 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 75006, FRANCE Check out the society’s home page: The 2016 conference will take place in cen
Back in 2010 we published a paper titled “Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) signal improvement based on negative correlation between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics“. It is about a really simple method which sur
Where are the major NIRS device manufactures? You can see from the map below. There are NIRS manufactures in US, Japan, Europe and Korea. If you are a NIRS manufacture and would like to add to this list, please let me know (leave a comment in this po
When analyzing the data in our concurrent NIRS-fMRI study, we are particularly interested in how the NIRS signals were correlated to the fMRI signal. To answer the question we need to create an ROI (region of interest) in brain which is directly unde
One of the advantages of NIRS is that it measure two values at a time – both oxy- and deoxy-Hb concentration, while fMRI measure only one value, called BOLD. (See a comparison between NIRS and fMRI.) However, what is the use of measuring two va
I usually report a group-level T-test image in the final publications or presentations. But in the early stage of a project when only one or a few subjects have been scanned, I often need to report an activation map for an individual subject after ge
The following script is to determine is a channel (or voxel) survives the FDR corrected threshold. Assume you have 48 channels and you already calculated the (uncorrected) p-value of each channel. You put it into an array called p. Now you want to kn