介绍一下我们的“ChatPaper”高级功能。(可以试用) 做科研,有件事非常累,但是又不得不做,那就是读文献。许多术语要另起窗口查询,而几乎每读一段都有一些疑问。加上我们的母语不是英语,语言又是另一
介绍一下我们的“听文献”高级功能。(试听朗读效果) 我们知道,科研工作往往需要处理大量的文献。然而,在忙碌的工作中,有时候您可能会发现没有足够的时间阅读最新的文献,或者在开车、坐车或者疲劳的时候无法集
Great news! We just upgraded our Writing Assistant so you can now select “formal”, “semi-formal”, and “casual” as the rewritten style. Usually, when writing papers, we go with a formal style; but when we&
We just released the MS Word add-in for Writing Assistant. Now you can use the Writing Assistant in Word directly. How to use? Inside MS Word, click ‘Insert’ menu, then click ‘Get Add-ins’ button, and search for ‘stork
上次说到,文献鸟的写作助手可以改整个段落。现在写作助手又有新的变化:您可以直接在Word里使用了!截屏如下: 我们录了演示视频(安装+简单使用): 用户怎么说? 你知道吗,现在许多科研人员都在使用写作
We just upgraded the Stork’s Writing Assistant. It now has the capability to rewrite entire paragraphs, not just one or two sentences. As the screenshot below shows, the Writing Assistant can generate a high-quality rewrite of a long paragraph
我们刚刚升级了文献鸟的写作助手高级功能。过去她每次只能改写一两个句子,现在可以改写整段句子了。从下面的截图可以看出,她不仅高质量地改写了一个较长的段落,并且还保留了原来的文献引用。 怎么才能使用呢?
Want to try? Follow this link Have you ever found yourself in the following situations? rewriting and paraphrasing paragraphs copied from past papers and grants editing and rewriting manuscripts written by international collaborators or students loo