
A mistake in my False discovery rate (FDR) correction…

I have posted an FDR script at I noticed that there is a small bug. In rare cases, this bug will cause the most significant voxel to be classified as ‘non-significant’ while other voxels are ‘sign
Xu Cui
37 sec read


Manish Saggar in our lab brought something very cool – a helmet like EEG system. He called it “dry” EEG because it does not requite gel. The design is not polished, but it’s cheap, like $800. And it does not need long wires to
Xu Cui
1 min read

Some tips to use wavelet toolbox

Wavelet toolbox is a useful tool to study hyperscanning data. Many recent publications on NIRS hyperscanning use wavelet coherence to quantify the relationship between two interacting brains (e.g. Baker et al 2016, Nozawa et al 2016). You can see mor
Xu Cui
55 sec read

Just published a paper: Men vs Women, are they…

We just published a big and long study. It is a NIRS hyperscanning study aiming to investigate the brain difference between men and women during cooperation. We have scanned 222 people! And it is one of the largest NIRS study I have seen. And it is a
Xu Cui
43 sec read

Hitachi ETG4000 on ebay, for less than $10,000

In our lab meeting today we accidentally discovered that you can actually purchase a used ETG4000 on ebay! The seller asked for $9,995. When we purchased ETG4000 back in 2007, it costed us about half million! Check it out:
Xu Cui
10 sec read

fNIRS 2016

fNIRS 2016 conference will be held in Paris, October 13 – 16, Université Paris Descartes, 12 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 75006, FRANCE Check out the society’s home page: The 2016 conference will take place in cen
Xu Cui
33 sec read

Who cited my paper?

Back in 2010 we published a paper titled “Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) signal improvement based on negative correlation between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics“. It is about a really simple method which sur
Xu Cui
36 sec read

NIRS manufactures locations

Where are the major NIRS device manufactures? You can see from the map below. There are NIRS manufactures in US, Japan, Europe and Korea. If you are a NIRS manufacture and would like to add to this list, please let me know (leave a comment in this po
Xu Cui
16 sec read

Stork is my best research assistant (2): Grant alert

Does my boss have money? I am looking for a postdoc position; does my future boss have enough funding to support me? How much money was awarded to my field (e.g. NIRS)? And who got the money? What are they going to do with the money? Have you ever wo
Xu Cui
1 min read