
I am developing a fMRI ROI analysis program

Check out the program: This program has a very simple graphic interface – only 2 buttons. The ‘load data’ button will ask you to load an excel file where you specify the path of images and event ti
Xu Cui
21 sec read

Number in Neuroscience

This is some numbers I collected long time ago. What How Much Where Constants and Equations (a list) go to Brain Facts (a list) go to Metabolic Energy (a list) go to Number of neurons and synapses neurons 1011 synapses 1014 pyramidal neurons >80%
Xu Cui
1 min read

Hyperscanning with Near Infrared Spectroscopy

This is a manuscript Chao and myself prepared for a “commentary”. We think NIRS based hyperscanning has a great potential on the shift from one-person neuroscience to 2-people neuroscience. —- Toward an Ecologically Valid Second-per
Xu Cui
4 min read

The most helpful codes (2 lines) in SPM

While discussing data analysis with a coworker today, I Jokingly said my experience on brain imaging can be condensed into two lines of code: V = spm_vol('filename.img'); % note: spm_vol can also take nii files as input M = spm_read_vols(V); % M is a
Xu Cui
17 sec read

Games used in human brain research [3]

Go-Nogo game This game is fairly simple, but it’s very hard to get all correct. A subject sits in front of a computer. In the “go” block, a series of letters will appear one after another in the center of the screen. The subject has
Xu Cui
50 sec read

Games used in human brain research [2]

Previous post “Games used in human brain research ” The finger tapping task mentioned in the last post is rather boring. How interesting it is to move fingers? So in this post I will talk about a more interesting task: competitive butt
Xu Cui
1 min read

A trick to detect bad channel in NIRS data…

Some noise is easy to detect – simply plotting the time courses of NIRS signal, you will find the noise so out of range and you will discard the data. However, I find in some instances the noise level seems to be in the normal range but the dat
Xu Cui
35 sec read

Games used in human brain research [1]

The vast majority of studies on the relationship between human brain and behavior try to answer the “where” question: Where in the brain are the regions that are responsible for a particular task? For example, where is the finger movement
Xu Cui
1 min read

Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS): List of manufactures

This post is under updating … The information is not complete Table can be found here: Artinis OctaMon The m
Xu Cui
2 min read