
Conversion of coordinates between two images

Assume you have an image F and you identify a point (x,y,z) on this image (say with SPM’s display function). You then normalize this image F according to a template image G using SPM. Now you want to know that point’s corresponding coordi
Xu Cui
34 sec read

E-prime vs MatLab (+Psychophysics Toolbox)

Both E-prime and MatLab are popular tools for presenting stimuli for fMRI, NIRS and behavioral experiments. Here are a comparison between them. E-Prime MatLab + psychophysics toolbox price ~$1000 MatLab cost, $50-500 easy to use easy moderate need co
Xu Cui
12 sec read

Use serial port to trigger ETG 4000 with E-Prime

Open properties of the experiment, select tab “Devices” Add a serial port. Make sure the COM Port number is correct In your experiment flow, add inline function to where you want to trigger ETG4000 or put marker. In that function, enter t
Xu Cui
14 sec read

xjView Tutorial Videos

FDR function, English version FDR function, Chinese version 普通话 Mandarin FDR function, Chinese versi
Xu Cui
2 sec read

Sensitivity, specificity, ROC, AUC …

You can’t believe how much jargon there is in binary classification. Just remember the following diagram (from wiki). accuracy = ( TP + TN ) / (P+N), i.e. correctly classified divided by the total false discovery rate (FDR) = TP / (TP+FP), i.e.
Xu Cui
1 min read

Balloon model of hemodynamics

Picture: The vascular bed is treated as an expandable venous compartment (a balloon). If there is a burst of flow, the volume will increase and then return to baseline. That’s where ‘balloon’ comes from. During steady state (i.e. wi
Xu Cui
1 min read

Ready Go paper finally published in PLoS Biology

The paper: The primer by Prof Jennifer Coull: Discuss at Peaya:
Xu Cui
9 sec read

Advantage and Disadvantage of NIRS over fMRI

Advantages cheaper portable (smaller) safe natural settings (e.g. real human interactions instead of computer presentation) high temporal resolution (10Hz) less sensitive to head motion clinically friendly less environment noise long time recording c
Xu Cui
18 sec read