
本文作者是刘宁博士 作者简介:刘宁,塔夫斯大学生物医学工程博士(Tufts University),斯坦福大学脑科学方向科研人员。 Frontiers 杂志客座编辑(Guest Associate Editor for Fronti
Xu Cui
11 sec read

nirs2img, create an image file from NIRS data

Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input data. Then theimage file can be viewed by a
Xu Cui
51 sec read

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Table stakes, incrementals, and delighters

Features of a product can be classified as 1. Table stakes: features the product must have otherwise people won’t buy (e.g. phone service in iPhone) 2. Incremental: the more the better (e.g. capacity) 3. Delighters: users don’t expect but
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Firefox can connect to internet but IE can’t

Internet Options -> Connections tab -> LAN settings -> Uncheck everything
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Published two papers

Both are on NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy). The first one is on how to detect NIRS activity earlier using multivariate (SVM) method; the 2nd one is a comprehensive comparison between NIRS and fMRI. Cui, Bray, Reiss (2010) Speeded Near Infrared Spe
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Spam email from gmail “User verification”

This is a spam. Don’t reply. from Gmail Support reply-to Gmail Support to date Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 10:13 PM subject User verification hide details 10:13 PM (13 minutes ago) The Gmail Team is working on total security on all accounts and because
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Some plot functions for NIRS

1. plotTraces, plot a time series, or multiple time series on one plot, with vertical lines indicating the markers (events). Can be used for data quality check and global signal detection. 2. plotTopoMap, plot a map of activation. 3. plot2, scatter p
Xu Cui
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Android: Status Icon Meanings

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1 sec read

Excel: how to fix a cell in formula?

Assume the formula is A1+B1, and you want to keep B1 fixed for other rows, then use A1 + $B$1
Xu Cui
4 sec read

Convert images to matrix

Quite often you need to convert an image (or multiple images) to a MatLab matrix for further analysis and visualization (e.g. extracting time series, multivariate pattern analysis, etc). SPM provides handy functions for this: P = spm_select; % select
Xu Cui
21 sec read