Search results for: wavelet

Interview with Drs. Chenbo Wang and Xianchun Li

A group of scientists in East China Normal University has published a paper earlier this month titled “Dynamic interpersonal neural synchronization underlying pain-induced cooperation in females” in HBM. They studied how pain affected coo
Xu Cui
3 min read

3 ways to check NIRS data quality

Before performing any data analysis, we should check the data quality first. Below are 3 ways to do so. 1. Visual check of the time series The best pattern detector is our eyes and brains! In many cases, if we visually see the data, we know what is w
Xu Cui
1 min read

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (4) coherence analysis

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (1) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (2) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (3) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (4) How do we analyze hyperscanning data to find out the relationship between two brains? Obviously correl
Xu Cui
1 min read

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (3) quality check

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (1)NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (2)NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (3)NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (4) Data quality check 1. Behavior data To identify behavior abnormalities, we need to plot the behavior data
Xu Cui
1 min read

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (1)

NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (1) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (2) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (3) NIRS hyperscanning data analysis (4) In this series I will introduce how we analyzed NIRS hyperscanning data. NIRS hyperscanning is a techn
Xu Cui
1 min read

Handy programs to visualize NIRS data (4): wt

In case you need to visualize your time series in both time and frequency domain (or just frequency domain), you can use the wt (wavelet transform) function in the Cross Wavelet and Wavelet Coherence toolbox by Grinsted et al. I often find the color
Xu Cui
33 sec read