Both are on NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy). The first one is on how to detect NIRS activity earlier using multivariate (SVM) method; the 2nd one is a comprehensive comparison between NIRS and fMRI.
Cui, Bray, Reiss (2010) Speeded Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Response Detection PLoS ONE 5 (11) e15474
Cui, Bray, Bryant, Glover, Reiss (2011) A quantitative comparison of NIRS and fMRI across multiple cognitive tasks NeuroImage doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.10.069 PubMed ID: 21047559
Note: The DOI link of the first one seems to be broken.
Thank you, Alex. It is fixed.
Xu, Can the method shown in “Speeded…” apply to event related and/or randomized tasks? Thanks.
In principle yes, although the accuracy will drop if the signal amplitude is smaller.