I use SPM’s dicom import function to convert DICOM files to Analyze files. But it’s quite inconvenient if I have 20 subjects. Below is a script to do this conversion automatically. You can call this function inside a loop.
function dicom2img(files) % function dicom2img(files) % % This function is to convert dicom files to Analyze image files using SPM % script % % files (optional): list of dicom files % % Xu Cui % if(nargin < 1) if findstr('SPM2',spm('ver')) files = spm_get('files', pwd, '*.dcm'); else files = spm_select('list', pwd, '\.dcm'); end end spm_defaults; hdr = spm_dicom_headers(files); spm_dicom_convert(hdr); display('done!') return;
Thanks for the code.I am using SPM5 and it does not have the function name spm_get.But I have replaced the function spm_get with spm_get_data.I have also passed the value of variable ‘files’.But still I am not getting the result.To access the files I have used following code:
owd=input(‘Enter the path of RAW images:\n’);
Kindly provide me the code and help
Does spm_select work?
I guess the spm_select works but the output in hdr is empty..
Then what is in ‘files’
The program runs and gives me error “Cant yet convert Phillips Intera DICOM”..This error is generated from spm_dicom_convert.m file.I do not understand why I am getting this message and how to remove it.
The above code worked with some changes.Now in my code i need to direct the analysis files to another directory.I need it to be done inside the code.Please help me with it.
Dear Xu!
I am using spm8 and trying to batch the dicom import.
Do you know how I can search also the subdirectories of the DICOM folder?
So far,I cd to the DICOM folder and use
[files,dirs]=cfg_getfile(‘list’, pwd, ‘.’);
and get the subdirectories only.
Thank you! Dorothea
Once you get the names of the subfolders, you can cd to those folders and run the above code.