Who cited my paper?

36 sec read

Back in 2010 we published a paper titled “Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) signal improvement based on negative correlation between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics“. It is about a really simple method which surprisingly works well in reducing motion artifact (noise) in NIRS data. As of today (2016-05-09), the paper has been cited by more than 130 times.

Who cited this paper? Well, we created this map to show where the authors are:

If you clicks the red dots you will find the detailed information about the paper, such as the author name and journal.

Then who are the top researchers who cited this paper? We count the number of citation for each author, and rank them by the number of papers. Here are the top authors who cited our 2010 paper:

Author Number of Papers
Fallgatter, AJ 9
Ehlis, AC 8
Hong, KS 8
Dresler, T 8
Herrmann, MJ 7
Scheutz, M 6
Strait, M 5
Boas, DA 5
Sato, H 4
Scholkmann, F 4
Herff, C 4
Seghouane, AK 4
Ge, SS 4
Shah, A 4
Katura, T 4
Molavi, B 4
Wolf, M 4


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