The following email was sent from Stork to me. Stork is an easy-to-use app to alert me of new scientific publications and NIH grants based on my own keywords. Below are a few grants awarded in the NIRS field.
Dear Xu,
Stork has brought you 15 new publications.
David Boas
Awarded Grants
Multifunctional, GBM-activatable nanocarriers for image-guided photochemotherapy by Huang-chiao Huang (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $179,035) Duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31
fmri nirs
Awarded Grants
Quantifying the Fluctuations of Intrinsic Brain Activity in Healthy and Patient Populations by Manish Saggar (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $249,000) Duration: 2017-03-20 to 2018-02-28
fmri resting state parent child
Awarded Grants
NEUROIMAGING IN EARLY ONSET DEPRESSION: LONGITUDINAL ASSESSMENT OF BRAIN CHANGES by Deanna M Barch (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $768,901) Duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31
Awarded Grants
Brain-to-brain dynamical Coupling: A New framework for the communication of social knowledge by Uri Hasson (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $524,425) Duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31
nirs brain
Awarded Grants
The Neurodevelopmental MRI Database by John E Richards (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $61,625) Duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31
nirs breast
Awarded Grants
Longitudinal Assessment of Tumor Hypoxia in vivo Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy by Bing Yu (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $399,062) Duration: 2017-01-01 to 2019-01-31
Russell Poldrack, stanford
Awarded Grants
Elucidate the Mechanisms Underlying Inhibition Induced Devaluation by Patrick Graham Bissett (2017) NIH Grants Awarded (Amount: $59,466) Duration: 2017-04-01 to 2018-03-31