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1. CustomAutoComplete
This component can be very useful. It pops up a list of suggestions based on characters entered by the user. This is a very simple example on how to use it:
<controls:CustomAutoComplete id="searchInput" typedTextChange="onTextChange();" selectionChange="onSelectionChange();" dataProvider="{ searchResults }" lookAhead="true" labelField="displayName"/>
And below is the the script part of the main mxml file I used to test this component.
import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [Bindable] private var searchResults:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); private var all:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); private function init():void { all.addItem({displayName:"abc", name:"Jack Smith"}); all.addItem({displayName:"abd", name:"John Win"}); all.addItem({displayName:"abe", name:"Bob XC"}); all.addItem({displayName:"acd", name:"LIN Bobby"}); all.addItem({displayName:"efg", name:"xie iix"}); all.addItem({displayName:"efv", name:"xfe abc"}); all.addItem({displayName:"hik", name:"45 65"}); } private function onTextChange():void { searchResults.removeAll(); var ii:int; for(ii=0;ii<all.length;ii++) { if (all[ii].displayName.indexOf(searchInput.typedText) != -1) searchResults.addItem(all[ii]); } } private function onSelectionChange():void {; }